
What is Cellulite?

Cellulite can be seen on the surface of the skin as raised and dimpled areas that occur mainly in women on the pelvic region, thighs, buttocks , and abdomen. It is caused by herniation of fat through the connective tissue under the skin.

How do cellulite and fat differ?

Cellulite can be seen in women who are not overweight.  Cellulite is not associated with increased morbidity or mortality, although it can be a  common source of  concern cosmetically.

Fat is characterized by enlargement of fat cells ; that is excess storage of fat inside adipose cells.

Zimmer Wave®  (Z Wave) is  a non-invasive, pain- free FDA approved treatment for cellulite. Areas that can be treated include, arms, thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. An applicator is applied to the skin, pulsing mechanical pressure waves into the skin layers ; this increases tissue blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and stimulates collagen regeneration As a result, the collagen network is tightened, and the structure of the skin becomes firmer, preventing fat cells from bulging into the skin surface. Anywhere from 10-15 treatments are generally needed for satisfactory results.

Patricia Wong, M.D

Before Treatment
*courtesy of Zimmer Aesthetics

Patricia Wong, M.D

After Treatment
It usually takes 6-12 treatments to complete a full course
*Courtesy of Zimmer Aesthetics. Results may vary.

Patricia Wong, M.D

Before Treatment
*courtesy of Zimmer Aesthetics

Patricia Wong, M.D

After Treatment
It usually takes 6-12 treatments to complete a full course
*Courtesy of Zimmer Aesthetics. Results may vary.